I reflected on my "commute", what does my day look like now? Comparing it to what it used to look like when I worked in NYC and even from home before all this craziness started. I took a break from working on textile designs and created an at home Corvid Commute Line map....just for the fun of it!
Pretty much how I have tried to structure my days;
- get up & get dressed for the day
- go downstairs, get coffee
* of course I have checked the online fitness class schedule on IG the night before...(greatest thing since sliced bread.. at least that is how my grandmother, or even father would say it, lol) It is the best thing that could have happened for someone like me, and so many others I know!
- dependent on the time of the online class, I decide if I will eat before or after
- make breakfast and eat at my desk while checking emails
- check wechat; to connect to my team who are all based in China
- answer emails and plan the day's projects
- makes notes and calls, strategizing my week
- take a class... Spin, Yoga or Embody - so many are now generously offering online classes you can take ANYTHING! Lifetime Athletic and Orange Theory (I belong to both) are also now offering online classes!
I go from my bedroom to the kitchen, kitchen to my office, office to my kitchen...
With a world of everyone paying attention to "counting their steps" I wanted to break it down a little further... what is my path, what is my commute every day... then I started creating a map of my house. I have to admit I was inspired by a friend who sent me a meme via text and I was off and running!!!
When I am in the city, and take SoulCycle I usually ride at one of two studios; West Village or W77; taking the 1 train or the "red line" from Penn Station. So I started thinking, why not make a red line to my Spin Bike in the basement ...an express line! LOL! I continued along this route and built another express line for my husband and I to "get to work".... the orange line!
The blue line expresses to the kitchen, the yellow line is more of a weekend express to the kitchen and the family room and the green line is the local line that will get you anywhere and everywhere in the house... including the local stops at the pantry, fridge, Nespresso machine, toaster, oven and sink. This line also will go to the laundry room and outside!
What is your day like, how do you get your steps in?!
Be safe!
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